Our approach to ministry is to participate in God's love and action in the world, meeting youth and families where they are, inviting them to see God at work in them and their community. Our Director of Youth & Family Ministry, Miss Kinna Nordstrom Kemp, coordinates and helps vision these new and powerful ways of doing and being church.
Contact Miss Kinna for more detailed information:
[email protected]
(303) 889-9844 (call/ text)
*** If you would like to support this important ministry, we accept donations via
Paypal - @ohanayouth
Venmo - @ohanayouth
or Tithely (drop down OHANA Youth Programs)
Contact Miss Kinna for more detailed information:
[email protected]
(303) 889-9844 (call/ text)
*** If you would like to support this important ministry, we accept donations via
Paypal - @ohanayouth
Venmo - @ohanayouth
or Tithely (drop down OHANA Youth Programs)
What is OHANA? OHANA Youth Ministry is an ecumenical and multicultural community youth group based out of St. Mark's Aurora. OHANA stands for: Object Hate And Nurture Acceptance. In a world of differences where people can’t seem to find their own worth, let alone see the worth and humanity in others, this is a space where young people feel welcomed, worthy, and are taught how to be accepting of people who are different from themselves. The gospel is what guides us on this journey!
We have youth that identify as Latine, African, Black, Indonesian, Native American, and Anglo/ White. They go to different schools and churches throughout the area, some are "un-churched", but they are one youth group learning how to be one in their community no matter their race, religion, disabilities, gender, or sexuality. We have received an award in the past from Families Forward for our participation in the community through service and giving back! 2023 Youth Trips |
Weekly ProgrammingOHANA CHAPEL
SUNDAY MORNINGS OHANA Chapel happens in person during our 10 a.m. worship service. Youth ages 10-17 are excused after the Children's Sermon, then re-join worship during the Passing of the Peace, just before Holy Communion. If you don't have anyone to sit with, you are welcome to sit with Miss Kinna in the front two pews on the right hand side as you enter the sanctuary. *** Miss Kinna has children's bulletin's and fidget toys if needed! OHANA YOUTH GROUP
Age 10-18
Every Sunday after OHANA Chapel! 11-12pm: Make lunch 12 - 1pm: Check-in with each other 1-2pm: games, free time, art, etc. ![]() Affirmation of Baptism Classes! Contact Miss Kinna for more information.
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