What to expect on Sunday morning...We worship at 10:00 a.m. every Sunday morning.
We gather to experience God’s grace. We hear that grace as the stories of the Bible are interpreted in light of current events and applied to daily living. We taste grace in the bread and wine of Holy Communion. We touch grace in the gestures of welcome from the people gathered together. Our worship service is liturgical, and lasts about an hour to an hour and 15 minutes (Roman Catholic visitors find it very similar to the Mass). Hymn singing is accompanied by organ and piano. We also have a voice choir and instrumentalists. Children have a central place in worship. Children of all ages are encouraged to take part in the service. Pastor and Kinna invite children to reflect on the readings during the Children's Sermon, after which, the kids leave for some activity time called Chapel and then return for the Passing of the Peace. We celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday. All are welcome to the Lord’s Table for Communion. (Parents, Pastor will defer to you as to whether or not your child receives communion. There is no "requirement" a child must meet before receiving, but first communion classes can be taken if you desire.) While Pastor Nic leads worship, you'll notice plenty of lay people involved in making it happen. From the musicians to the assisting ministers to the acolytes to the lectors and communion assistants and ushers and greeters and altar guild folks, the "priesthood of all believers" is strongly encouraged. Beyond that, every person in the pews is an important participant in the act of worship, without which we would be incomplete. After worship, we catch up with each other over a cup of coffee. Faith Formation for adults follows worship in the fall, winter, and spring. |